Ohms Law Application

By using the Ohms law application, you are able to find the resistance of a circuit, knowing only the voltage and the current in the circuit.

In any equation, if all the variables (parameters) are known except one, that unknown can be found. For example, using the Ohms law application , if current (I) and voltage (E) are known, resistance (R) the only parameter not known, can be determined:

Basic formula:

calulating resistance in a dc circuit

Remove the divisor by multiplying both sides by R:

Formula for computing ohm's law.

Result of step 2: R x I = E

To get R alone (on one side of the equation) divide both sides by I:

ohm's law equation

The basic formula, transposed for R, is:

ohm's law formula for calculating resistance in a dc circuit

Refer to the illustration below (Determining resistance in a basic circuit) where E equals 10 volts and I equals 1 ampere. Solve for R, using the equation just explained.


E = 10 volts

I = 1 ampere

ohm's law formula for resistance

This equation can be used to find the resistance for the circuit shown in the next illustration below (Determining resistance in a basic circuit).

Determining resistance in a dc circuit schematic

Determining resistance in a dc circuit schematic.

ohms law formulas for a simple dc circuit

This equation can be used to find the voltage for the circuit shown in the next illustration below (determining voltage in a basic dc circuit).

Determining voltage in a basic dc circuit

Determining voltage in a basic dc circuit.

The Ohms law application equation and its various forms may be obtained readily with the aid of the illustration below (Ohm's law in diagram form). The circle containing E, I, and R is divided into two parts, with E above the line and with I and R below the line.

To determine the unknown quantity, first cover that quantity with a finger. The position of the uncovered letters in the circle will indicate the mathematical operation to be performed. For example, to find I, cover I with a finger. The uncovered letters indicate that E is to be divided by R, or

formula for ohm's law

To find the formula for R, cover R. The result indicates that E is to be divided by I, or

ohm's law for calculating resistance in a dc circuit

ohms law diagram

Ohms law application diagram.

You are cautioned not to rely wholly on the use of this diagram when you transpose the Ohm's law formulas. The diagram should be used to supplement your knowledge of the algebraic method. Algebra is a basic tool in the solution of electrical problems.

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